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“You're so convinced you'll disappoint people if you show them that you're not perfect. You don't realize you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect. They make you you. That's what people love. It's what I love too.”


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Title: ☹ ☹ ☹
written on Monday 17 December 2012 @ 17:38 ✈{ }

Assalamualikummm . Hmmm , :/ Maigodddddd ! I'don't know where to start . Kay , kalo die nak clash ngn aku , aku terima . Yelahh , aku nie kan annoying . Hmmm , mne aku  tak sakit hati kalau die ckp ni :
Lepas bace tuhh , mcm sedey gile babi lahh sbb die ckp cmtu . Pastu Iman cm fikir lahh , ade gf baru ke tibe2 nak clash . Waktu tu blum manndi lahh . Lepas die cmtu , Iman terus offline . Wkatu mandi tuhh , Iman nangis sepuas2nye . Pastu lps kuar bilik air , terus fake smile :') How could he ? :( Pastu , kul 3:30 ptg tuu , pegi rumah nisa cite semuanye kat die . Die pun ckp nak clash , clash je sbb tahun dpn dpn kan Iman msk asrama. Pastu , Iman pun mcm HMMMMMMMMMM.Ok . Mlm tu x leh tidoo langsung .

Tujela post Iman kali niee . Harap2 die dpt jumpe pengganti Iman . Kay , bye syafiq . Syg you :(

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